Cybersecurity Training and Certification

Na celém světě je téměř 4,8 miliardy uživatelů internetu, což představuje přibližně 62 % světové populace. Děláte vše pro to, abyste byli cyber smart? S dalším vývojem digitálního světa bude počítačová kriminalita, malware, ransomware a sociální inženýrství nadále narůstat. Vaše soukromí není jen luxus, je to bezpečnostní opatření, které musíte přijmout, abyste ochránili svá data i sebe.

NH Prague poskytuje kurzy a certifikace v oblasti informační bezpečnosti od předních společností v oblasti informační bezpečnosti, jako jsou Cisco, CompTIA, IAPP, EC-Council, ISACA, (ISC)² a Microsoft. Tito vendoři se zavázali stanovit přísné bezpečnostní standardy, které může implementovat každá organizace. Získání certifikátů od těchto vendorů je potvrzením, že odborníci na bezpečnost ve vaší organizaci mají dovednosti, znalosti a odhodlání chránit vaše nejcennější aktiva – vaše data.


CompTIA (Computing Technology Industry Association), nezisková obchodní asociace, vydává profesionální certifikace pro odvětví informačních technologií. Je považována za jednu z nejvýznamnějších obchodních asociací v oboru IT.

CompTIA Security+ | 5 dní

This course maps to the CompTIA Security+ certification exam (SK0-601) and establishes the core knowledge required of any cybersecurity role, as well as providing a springboard to intermediate-level cybersecurity jobs. This course emphasizes both the practical and hands-on ability to identify and address security threats, attacks and vulnerabilities. CompTIA Security+ is a globally trusted, vendor-neutral certification that validates the baseline skills necessary to perform core security functions and pursue an IT security career.

Ideal for: This certification is aimed primarily at networking professionals, but because security is vital to all levels and job roles within an organization, it will also benefit PC support analysts, application developers and senior managers in accounting, sales, product development and marketing.

CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+) | 5 dní

The course introduces tools and tactics to manage cybersecurity risks, identify various types of common threats, evaluate the organization's security, collect and analyze cybersecurity intelligence, and handle incidents as they occur.

Ideal for: Cybersecurity practitioners who perform job functions related to protecting information systems by ensuring their availability, integrity, authentication, confidentiality, and non-repudiation.

CompTIA Penetration Tester+ (PenTest+) | 5 dní

To ensure your success in this course, you should have:

  • Intermediate knowledge of information security concepts, including but not limited to identity and access management (IAM), cryptographic concepts and implementations, computer networking concepts and implementations, and common security technologies.
  • Practical experience in securing various computing environments, including small to medium businesses, as well as enterprise environments.

Ideal for: IT professionals who want to develop penetration testing skills to enable them to identify information-system vulnerabilities and effective remediation techniques for those vulnerabilities.

CompTIA Advanced Practitioner (CASP+) | 5 dní

In this course, which prepares you for the CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner exam (CAS-003),you will expand on your knowledge of information security to apply more advanced principles that will keep your organization safe from the many ways it can be threatened. You'll apply critical thinking and judgment across a broad spectrum of security disciplines to propose and implement sustainable security solutions that map to organizational strategies; translate business needs into security requirements; support IT governance and risk management; architect security for hosts, networks, and software; respond to security incidents; and more.

Ideal for: IT professionals in the cybersecurity industry whose primary job responsibility is to secure complex enterprise environments.


The International Council of Electronic Commerce Consultants (EC-Council) je dlouholetou profesní certifikační organizací pro IT profesionály. Cílem EC-Council je poskytovat podporu těm, kteří vytvářejí a udržují bezpečnost IT systémů.

EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) | 5 dní

This is the most trusted ethical hacking certification and accomplishment recommended by employers globally. It is the most desired information security certification and represents one of the fastest-growing cyber credentials required by critical infrastructure and essential service providers.

Ideal for: Information Security Analyst/Administrator, Information Assurance (IA) Security Officer, Information Security Manager/Specialist, Information Systems Security Engineer/Manager, Information Security Professionals/Officers, Information Security/IT Auditors, Risk/Threat/Vulnerability Analyst, System Administrators, Network Administrators and Engineers

EC-Council Certified Penetration Tester (CPENT) | 5 dní

CPENT program teaches you how to perform an effective penetration test in an enterprise network environment that must be attacked, exploited, evaded, and defended.

Ideal for: Ethical Hackers Penetration Testers Network server administrators Firewall Administrators Security Testers System Administrators and Risk Assessment professionals.

EC-Council Certified Network Defender (CND) | 5 dní

Certified Network Defender (CND) is a vendor-neutral, hands-on, instructor-led comprehensive network security certification training program. It is a skills-based, lab intensive program based on the security education framework and work role task analysis presented by the National Infocomm Competency Framework (NICF) as well as a job-task analysis and cybersecurity education framework by the National Initiative of Cybersecurity Education (NICE).

Ideal for: Network Administrators, Network security Administrators, Network Security Engineer, Network Defense Technicians, Security Analyst, Security Operator, or anyone involved in network operations.

EC-Council Certified Threat Intelligence Analyst (CTIA) | 3 dny

As a certified threat intelligence analyst, you’ll be at the vanguard of your organization’s cybersecurity ecosystem, keeping a 360 degree vigil on existing and foreseen/unforeseen threats.

Ideal for: Ethical Hackers, Security Practitioners, Engineers, Analysts, Specialist, Architects, and Managers, Threat Intelligence Analysts, Associates, Researchers, Consultants, Threat Hunters, SOC Professionals, Digital Forensic and Malware Analysts, Incident Response Team Members

EC-Council Certified Incident Handler (ECIH) | 3 dny

The course addresses various underlying principles and techniques for detecting and responding to current and emerging computer security threats. Students will learn how to handle various types of incidents, risk assessment methodologies, and various laws and policy related to incident handling.

Ideal for: E|CIH is a specialist-level program that caters to mid-level to high-level cybersecurity professionals.

EC-Council Certified SOC Analyst (CSA) | 3 dny

It is engineered for current and aspiring Tier I and Tier II SOC analysts to achieve proficiency in performing entry-level and intermediate-level operations. CSA is a training and credentialing program that helps the candidate acquire trending and in-demand technical skills through instruction by some of the most experienced trainers in the industry.

Ideal for: SOC Analysts (Tier I and Tier II) Network and Security Administrators, Network and Security Engineers, Network Defense Analyst, Network Defense Technicians, Network Security Specialist, Network Security Operator, and any security professional handling network security operations Cybersecurity Analyst Entry-level cybersecurity professionals Anyone who wants to become a SOC Analyst.

EC-Council Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI) | 5 dní

Every crime leaves a digital footprint, and you need the skills to track those footprints. In this course, students will learn to unravel these pieces of evidence, decode them and report them. From decoding a hack to taking legal action against the perpetrators, they will become an active respondent in times of cyber-breaches.

Ideal for: Police and other laws enforcement personnel, Defense and Military personnel, e-Business Security professionals, Systems administrators, Legal professionals, Banking, Insurance and other professionals, Government agencies.

EC-Council Certified Chief Information Security Officer (C|CISO) | 4 dny

The CCISO Certification is an industry-leading program that recognizes the real-world experience necessary to succeed at the highest executive levels of information security. The EC-Council CCISO Body of Knowledge covers all five the CCISO Information Security Management Domains in depth and was written by seasoned CISOs for current and aspiring CISOs.

Ideal for: Aspiring or sitting upper-level manager striving to advance his or her career by learning to apply their existing deep technical knowledge to business problems.


ISACA je nezávislá celosvětová nezisková asociace založená v roce 1969 s cílem poskytovat pokyny a měřítka pro informační systémy a řízení rizik.

Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) | 3 dny

This course is designed to help candidates prepare for sitting the ISACA CISM certification examination. By taking this course and obtaining CISM certification, your experience and skills in supporting the information security needs of your organization will be validated. Securing the organization's information is a critical business objective in today's business environment.

Ideal for: IT professionals, such as network administrators and engineers, IT managers, and IT auditors, and other individuals who want to learn more about information security, who are interested in learning in-depth information about information security management.

Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) | 5 dní

By taking this course and obtaining CISA certification, your experience and skills in auditing and securing the organization’s information systems will be validated. Securing the organization’s information is a critical business objective in today’s business environment.

Ideal for: IT professionals, particularly internal auditors, who are interested in earning the CISA certification. The course is also applicable to individuals who are interested in learning about information security audits, controls, and security.

Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC) | 3 dny

The CRISC course is designed for those who have experience with risk identification, assessment, and evaluation; risk response; risk monitoring; information systems control design and implementation; and information systems control monitoring and maintenance.

Ideal for: IT and business professionals—including risk and compliance professionals, business analysts, and project managers—who identify and manage risks through the development, implementation and maintenance of appropriate information systems (IS) controls.


(ISC)2 je celosvětová nezisková organizace, jejímž hlavním cílem je pomáhat vzdělávat a certifikovat odborníky na informační bezpečnost po celém světě. Získání certifikací (ISC)² je vynikající způsob, jak posílit své znalosti a důvěryhodnost.

Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) | 5 dní

CISSP is the premier certification for today's information systems security professional. It remains the premier certification because the sponsoring organization, the International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium, Inc. (ISC)2 ®, regularly updates the test by using subject matter experts (SMEs) to make sure the material and the questions are relevant in today's security environment. By defining eight security domains that comprise a CBK, industry standards for the information systems security professional have been established.

Ideal for: Experienced IT security-related practitioners, auditors, consultants, investigators, or instructors, including network or security analysts and engineers, network administrators, information security specialists, and risk management professionals.

Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP) | 5 dní

This course is the most comprehensive review of cloud security concepts and industry best practices covering the six domains of the CCSP Common Body of Knowledge (CBK). You will gain knowledge in identifying the types of controls necessary to administer various levels of confidentiality, integrity, and availability, with regard to securing data in the cloud. You will identify the virtual and physical components of the cloud infrastructure with regard to risk management analysis, including tools and techniques necessary for maintaining a secure cloud infrastructure. You will gain an understanding in cloud software assurance and validation, utilizing secure software, and the controls necessary for developing secure cloud environments. You will identify privacy issues and audit processes utilized within a cloud environment, including auditing controls, assurance issues, and the specific reporting attributes.

Ideal for: IT administrators, managers, directors and network security professionals responsible for the hands-on operational security of their organization's critical assets

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