Microsoft SharePoint zaznamenal značný úspech vďaka kombinácii cloudových a lokálnych funkcií, ktoré ponúkajú jednoduché a výkonné nástroje na spoluprácu, a zároveň zamestnancom pomáhajú maximalizovať výkon. SharePoint používajú spoločnosti na celom svete na zdieľanie, správu a organizáciu dôležitých údajov a dokumentov.

Microsoft 365 kurzy podľa pracovnej pozície

MS-100T00: Microsoft 365 Identity and Services | 5 dní

This course covers three central elements of Microsoft 365 enterprise administration—Microsoft 365 tenant and service management, Office 365 management, and Microsoft 365 identity management.

Vhodné pre: Administrators

Certifikácia: Enterprise Administrator Expert

Skúška: MS-100 and MS-101

MS-101T00: Microsoft 365 Mobility and Security | 5 dní

This course covers three central elements of Microsoft 365 enterprise administration—Microsoft 365 security management, Microsoft 365 compliance management, and Microsoft 365 device management.

Vhodné pre: Administrators

Certifikácia: Enterprise Administrator Expert

Skúška: MS-100 and MS-101

MS-600T00: Building Applications and Solutions with Microsoft 365 Core Services | 5 dní

This course dives into the five central elements of the Microsoft 365 platform—Microsoft Identity, Microsoft Graph, extending and customizing SharePoint, leveraging Teams, and incorporating and expanding Office.

Vhodné pre: Developers interested in Microsoft 365 development

Certifikácia: Microsoft 365 Developer Associate

Skúška: MS-600

SharePoint Modern for IT Pros

55215 SharePoint Online Power User | 4 dni

This course delivers the complete site owner story from start to finish in an engaging and practical way to ensure you have the confidence to plan and create new sites or manage your existing sites in SharePoint Online.

Vhodné pre: Novice and experienced SharePoint users

55238 SharePoint Online for Administrators | 3 dni

This course will introduce the audience to SharePoint Online Administration in Office 365 and explain and demonstrate the configuration options for SharePoint Online. The course will also help SharePoint on-premise administrators understand the differences between SharePoint on-premises and SharePoint Online.

Vhodné pre: SharePoint administrators